
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lose Weight with a Vision Board

What are you dreaming about this summer? Do you want to drop 20 pounds? Good for you! But the hardest part about a goal is accomplishing it. If you’re hoping to look slim in that new bikini, a simple visual tool can help keep you motivated this summer. A vision board, popularized by the 2006 film The Secret, will celebrate and capture the joys of achieving your dream and keep you hard at work.

Here’s how the vision board works: Decide what the main theme of your board will be. Cut out pictures from magazines, compile personal ones or print them from the Internet. Then write out some inspirational words – either your own personal affirmations or motivational quotes from others – and arrange everything together on a poster board. Glue it all down and place it in an area where you’ll see it every day.

View your board daily, remember why your goal makes you happy, celebrate your progress and focus on fulfilling your desires.

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